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International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth

32nd International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth


Planned for Summer 2025 – Find out more now!

Since 1962 the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has organised the "International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth".

The workshop is aimed at managers and multipliers from all over the world who hold positions of responsibility in the field of youth work or vocational training in rural areas. They are role models of integrity, persuasion, boldness and consequences.

Do you want new impulses?

Develop your personal strengths, learn to use them better and develop your skills to make the most of your country's resources.

The international dialogue of this workshop opens new perspectives in rural youth work and strengthens your leadership skills by learning implementation strategies and developing a personal action plan. The workshop requires your active collaboration. Participants must fluent in at least one of the three conference languages - German, English, French.

The costs of accommodation, meals, working aids and excursions included in the program are paid by the organizer. Accommodations could be in double rooms.Travel costs to and from the workshop inclusive Visa fees and adminitrative charges must be paid by the participants themselves or by their organisations/ employers.

The application period for participation in the seminar is expected to start at the beginning of 2025.